Report: How Hospitals and Health Systems Can Move Upstream to Improve Community Health

Conversations with Hospital and Health System Executives: How Hospitals and Health Systems Can Move Upstream to Improve Community Health, a report from the de Beaumont Foundation, in partnership with the BUILD Health Challenge, examines how hospitals and health systems can drastically improve their community engagement work by fostering cross-collaborative partnerships focused on upstream factors affecting community health outcomes. It contains best practices, executive-level insights, and practical how-to guides for connecting community and hospital leaders!

Key Findings:

  1. Hospitals’ and health systems’ community engagement stemmed from a deep commitment to organizational missions—not just financial considerations.

  2. Hospitals and health systems embraced non-traditional partnerships—including those with competitors—in their efforts to improve their communities’ health.

  3. Access to real-time, cross-sector streams of information improved hospitals’ and health systems’ institutional understanding of both the health needs within their communities and the upstream causes of those needs.

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